Some years later, they grew up as two great women and very close best friend. Until come the day when their own mate proposed them to marry him, they were so excited and promised to realized their dreams to marry on June in The Plaza. They met a famous wedding planner in the city and they told her about what they wanted to be in their weddings and everything just ran so well until the wedding planner said that there were something trouble about the date of their wedding. They will marry on the same date on The Plaza and none of them ever wanted to defer. So, as we all can predict they sabotaged other’s plan of wedding and became rival. Everything just ran so bad even in the end of the story; they just become friend again and realized that the war they had set up was so stupid and they live happily as a good friend as before.
Above all of the stories, there are something that running in my head and force me to think about. It’s wedding. Oh My! I’m not going to say that I want to marry (HA HA HA!) yes, I know I want to marry and everybody does. But what I want to tell is that everything about wedding and marriage. When I was child I used to watch a lot of wedding party and how the bride was soooooo beautiful (well, honestly some of them aren’t seems so beautiful (sorry) but most of them was so happy and I can see that in their faces). But what I saw in my childhood wedding is wedding in a western culture, well you know wedding dress such as pretty fabulous Vera Wang dress (Oh My, what else can be better than it) even when I grew up I am so know that I won’t wear it in my wedding. There is only my aunt who wore that kind of dress in her wedding and her wedding isn’t same as what a kind of “wedding party” that I wanted. Even honestly sometimes I admit that I (still) want to wear a beautiful fabulous dress such as Vera Wang dress, in my adult age now I am more appreciate in the mix of traditional-modern-glam wedding dress such as wedding dress of Anne Avantie, Ramadhani, Michael, or some of kebaya wedding dress designer that you ever heard. It’s more likely due to some reasons such as; I am sooo in love with kebaya wedding dress these days that looks so gorgeous and beautiful. They look so pretty when they fitted in a bride’s body and I do think that someday I am going to have a beautiful one and it’s mine.
Next thing that I want to talk are about some other’s properties such as wedding ring, the foods and beverages, flowers, invitations, and the souvenirs. Well, those are little things but I don’t think that it will be wise if we don’t think about it seriously. I ever dreamed about a couple of gorgeous white gold wedding ring with the diamond on its top. Haha I know every girl will wants it so much; it’s such a something to die for. But what I learned right now is that ring isn’t as that important. I mean it’s important but it doesn’t have to be a white gold with a diamond. The most precious is the meaning of it and lucky I, thanks God my baby always knows and try to gimme what I want (thank you so much, baby!). And oh ya, with this note I would like to tell you my baby that I really don’t mean to tell you that I require you to buy me that kind of a ring. With or without that kind of ring, I will always love you just the way you are.
Then it comes to talk about the foods and beverages, flowers, invitations, and the souvenirs. I don’t think about cake that will be available on my wedding party. I only think about the foods and beverages, and I think mixed between local and traditional foods will be fine, then there’ll be no alcohol on the beverages off course (hella, is there any silly girl who ever wants to find a lot of tipsy guests on their wedding party?). Then about flowers, wow I love roses and white lily, but I just let the florist to decorate it well remind I have no special ability to arrange any kind of flowers. Then about the invitations and souvenirs, well actually I thought that I don’t really want to take our photos on the invitations. The reasons is just because sometimes people just throw away the invitations that they get and it just feels so hurt when you know somebody throw away your photo hehehe. But my baby told me that the photo is quite important to remind people about us. Maybe they just forget our name (oh my, please don’t ever let this happens to us!), so picture will be helpful to remind them about us. So, we just decided that we will take only one picture on the invitations. Me, personally dislike too much picture on the invitations and I agree with him that picture will be helpful to remind others about us. The last but not least about marriage is the souvenirs. Souvenirs will be so important to make everybody impress on our party and remember it. There are so many things that become so common on wedding souvenirs, but some kind of souvenirs that I do remember as unique and unforgettable are: money tree, scarf and roses, and gold classic mirror. The money tree and gold classic mirror was too expensive and too weird for me. So, I think scarf and red roses are good but it was the souvenirs of my brother’s wedding so I need to find another unique unforgettable useful souvenirs for our guests.
Then it comes to the marriage. I know that marriage is a kind of serious step in our life. Everybody just wants to have only one marriage in their life. Some people also say that your mate’s “real habit” will be shown on the marriage life, they just told us about the days after wedding that full of unpredictable thing and its not always as happy as you thought. I don’t say they are so wrong but I don’t say that they are so right. I don’t think that the days after wedding is full of bad things, I really don’t think so. I think it will be the day when you think your marriage isn’t as what you dreamed but one thing that you should be thanking of is that you can see your baby as the last and the first one that you see every morning. Then some years after your wedding you will have some cute kids that will call you two, “Mom and Dad”. Maybe you will find the hard parts such as the stage of economically down, or the misunderstanding between you two, or the kids that hard to handle but I do so sure that if you just realized that you have a very perfect life and be thankful about it, you will never think it’s a very big problem.
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