Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year 2011

Dua hari belakangan ini timeline twitter saya dibanjiri oleh tweet tentang resolusi teman-teman di 2011 maupun kenangan tentang best moment di tahun 2010. Terbukti, tweet-tweet ini memang sedang menjadi favorit dan mampu menduduki trending topic dunia.
Saya sendiri tidak terlalu larut dalam euphoria resolusi dan best moment di twitter ini. Bukan karena gerakan anti maupun tidak punya resolusi maupun best moment sepanjang tahun lalu. Entah mengapa saya tidak ingin mendengungkannya saja di garis waktu twitter saya. Saya lebih suka menulisnya di sini dan di kepala saya. Tempat lain tentu saja dialog intrapersonal saya tentang resolusi, harapan, rencana, dan eksekusinya.
Ketika pertanyaannya adalah "apa resolusi saya?", banyak hal yang saya inginkan. Banyak hal baru yang ingin saya coba di tahun depan. Tahun baru dengan euphorianya membawa semangat baru yang terkandang terasa sangat temporer, maka salah satu resolusi saya adalah selalu bersyukur pada Tuhan tentang apa yang Dia berikan dan membawa semangat tahun baru ini setiap harinya. Membuatnya setiap harinya terasa istimewa.
Resolusi lainnya? Tentu saja ada. Seperti yang lainnya saya juga punya banyak keinginan di tahun depan yang saya usahakan untuk terwujud. Tapi lebih dari semua itu, saya ingin semua yang saya miliki selama ini tetap terjaga menjadi milik saya. Menyongsong hal-hal baru untuk melengkapi semua yang sudah saya miliki dan menyambut hadiah-hadiah Tuhan setiap harinya sepanjang tahun depan.
Selamat tahun baru semua, semoga tahun 2011 menjadi tahun yang menyenangkan untuk kita semua! :)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


#dearmom, thank you for the whole love and life you have been giving to me. thank you for always being there whenever I need. thank you for everything that I just couldn't name it. thank you for all the good and bad times you will stay next to me. and I realize that my thank you just will never enough to repaid your love. I love you :')

#dearmom, thank you for the good times we spent and will spend. thank you for gave birth, raising, and teaching a great man like him. thank you for being my inspiration. do you know that I adore you so much? :')

#dearGod, what if I asked you only a favor please? Just let me be like the moms I have in the future. :)

Our 30th Months Anniversary Cupcakes

December 20th 2010 is the day of me and Dhidha's 30th months anniversary. I used to think about something new to celebrate our anniversary. So, I decided to bake our anniversary cupcakes while learning this new thing which is I concerned so much. And here they are.I am so new in baking cookies and cakes. I remember the first time I baked cupcakes it was soooo embarrassing. It was too bad and I started to think that I am not so good playing with oven. Maybe I just don't get the chemistry with "this thing". :p
So, I started to think what about "unbaked in oven" cupcakes. I started to ask some seniors of baking,
"Is there any other ways besides bake cupcakes in oven to be able to decorate it?" and both replied no. I was frustrated and had no idea about my plan. Then I started to search some information about steam-cake and wish it would be able to be base of the cupcakes. And Thank God, I got it! :D
The base cake was steam-brownies. It just becomes cupcakes because I was put it in the cup, not merely because of the ingredients measurements. Here I share the recipe that already get my modification:
6 eggs
150gr sugar
1/2 tsp emulsifier
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla powder
125gr wheat flour
45gr chocolate powder
100gr margarine, melt it.
100 gr milk cooking chocolate , melt it.
50 gr condensed milk

How to Bake?
1. Mix and sieve wheat flour and chocolate powder.
2. Mix margarine, melt chocolate, and condensed milk, stir them.
3. Heat the steamer.
4. Mix sugar, emulsifier, and eggs.
5. Put the mix of wheat flour and chocolate, stir them.
6. Put the mix of margarine, melt chocolate, and condensed milk, stir them all.

Pour the dough to the paper cup in almost full. Steam for about 10 minutes in medium heat.
Cupcakes ready to be frosted and served.

P.S. "Happy Our The Most Unique Anniversary Ever, Baby D! I Love You!"

Friday, December 17, 2010

midnight rain

Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot. Who calls you back when you hang up on him. Who will lay under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep.
Wait for the man who kisses you on the forehead. Who wants to show you off the world when you are in sweats. Who holds your hand in front of his friends, Who thinks you're just as pretty without make-up on. The one who is constantly reminding how much he cares and how lucky he is to have you.
The one who turns to his friends and says,
"That's her.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

You're Nobody Until Somebody Loves You

Now you may be king, you may be posses the world and it's gold
Gold will never buy happiness in your growing old
You're nobody until somebody loves you
So, find yourself somebody to love

-Frank Sinatra-

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Cupcakes: History and Everything You Should Know About It

The term "cupcake" is first mentioned in 1828 on Eliza Leslie's Receipts cookbook in "Seventy-five Receipts for Pastry, Cakes, and Sweetmeats". But before that in 1796 the notation of "a cake to be baked in small cups" was written by Amelia Simms in "American Cookery".
Cupcake is a revolutionary in cook and baking. Breaking with tradition of weighing ingredients at this time they ingredients began to be measured in cups. Besides that, the small size of the cupcake could save tremendous time in the kitchen. Cups were convenient because hearth ovens took a long time to bake large cakes. Faster time that is saved on baking cupcake helps bakers to be able to do other things.
In 1900's cupcakes became popular kids treats partly due to their ease in baking. Cupcakes were no more popular during that time period than they are today. What is different today is that cupcakes have gone crazy. In the early 21st century, a trend for cupcake shops was reported especially in United States. Adults associate cupcakes with memories from their childhood, and kids also love to consume cupcakes. Traditionally they have been made for children in basic flavors, but today cupcakes are more playful, hip, and glamorous in many flavors.

  • A "cake in mug" is a variant that gained popularity. The technique uses a mug as its cooking vessel and can be done in a microwave oven with a very simple recipe.
  • A "butterfly cake" is a variant of cupcake which is also called "fairy cake". The flavor is just the same as the other cupcake recipe. The difference was only about the topping that is decorated with butter, plastic icing, or gumpaste.
  • A "cake ball" is an individual portion of cake, round like chocolate truffle. The technique is more frosting than baking.
Pans and Liners
Cupcake baking pans are available in three sizes; small (mini), medium (regular), and large. Originally, cupcakes were baked in heavy pottery cups. Some bakers still use individual small coffee mugs or large tea cups. Today, specialized pans are made for baking cupcakes. These ovenproof pans are mostly made from metal and generally have six or twelve "cups". They may also made from stoneware, silicone rubber, or other material. A standard cup is 3 inches (76mm) in diameter and holds about 10 gr.
Cupcake also can be baked in paper liners. These are typically round sheets of thin paper pressed into a round fluted cup shape. I prefer paper liners most of the time because the cupcakes are easier to get out of the pan, easier to handle, and they stay fresh longer. Paper liners are available in a wide range of sizes, colors, and patterns. In addition to paper, cupcake liners may be made from very thin aluminum foil.
If we want to make a topping on the cupcake, we have to grease the cups with butter, margarine, shortening, cooking oil spray, or baking oil spray. After that we can put a topping to the top of cupcake.
The amount of batter we put in the cup determines the shape of the cupcake. Cups filled two-thirds full bake into the traditional cupcake shape. If you fill the pan half full, it will rise to the edge or slightly below the edge and you will have a small, straight-top cupcake. If you fill the cup three-quarters full the cupcake will rise above the edge of the liner and expand outward.
Storing Cupcake
Store cupcakes in a plastic airtight container in the refrigerator. They will stay fresh for several days. The only cupcakes that need to eat within a day of preparing are ones that use uncooked eggs in the frosting.
Cupcakes with fondant (plastic icing) decoration could not be saved in the refrigerator. To store cupcake, we only need to put it on the cool place. A room with air conditioner (AC) inside could be the best place to store.
Cupcakes with butter decoration (like butterfly cake) could be saved in the refrigerator but don't put plastic airtight on it because it will damage the decoration you made.
Transporting Cupcake
When transporting cupcakes to a location for an event or giving it as a gift use plastic packaging designed especially for cupcakes. These containers are available at cake supply stores or online suppliers. Another good way to transport cupcakes is to place them back into a clean cupcake pan once they are frosted and decorated.


Kitchen, A Brand New Category

Hai, I'm gonna adding a new category on my post. Its "kitchen"!
Why kitchen? Yes, it is such a very different category from what I usually posted.
I usually posted articles about my life, quotes, advertising, branding, and marketing communication. I know it seems little bit weird to share my kitchen's story. But honestly, I can't help my self for sharing the story, the recipes, and experiences that maybe could inspiring. Inspiring is a goodness, and we shouldn't stop our self to share the goodness, right?
Well, I'm not yet a professional chef who is able to bake and cook a lot of delicious foods. I'm just a newbie in this way! Even so, I already ask my man to build me a beautiful kitchen for our future :p
Well, I hope my post could help you even a little. Lets go to our kitchen, hold the pans, grab the ingredients, cook it and voilaaaa!
Enjoy! :D

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Three to Four Years Is Not a Long Time, Is It? (Part 1)

Last night I met Carin, my cousin and she told me something surprised. She's about leaving this country in a while. Yes, she'll have her college at Germany, majoring business studies. Means what? She will live there for a long time. About 3 or 4 years, not only for a day, a week, a month, or year.
She told me the plan of her study in the middle of this year. When I asked her when she'll leave, she simply answered that she didn't know yet. She guessed it would about in the middle of next year or later. Personally, I am ready for the day she would leave. What makes me surprise only about the time she'll leave. I never imagine she'll leave here too soon.
Talking about her always special. She is the cousin who I grow old with. We were live only next door, we went to the same school (since kindergarten to junior high), we played together, we hang out together, we really had a lot of good times together. I still remember when I was a 4th grade of elementary and she was only a 1st grade, she waited for me to back home together. When actually, her class already over at 10 A.M. and my class would be over at 02.00 P.M. I remember I was so sad when she cut my paper puppet when she was kids. I remember we played the dolls together every noon. I remember we were soaring to each other when we take a bath since our house was only next door. I remember went to school every morning with her. I remember we often celebrate her birthday together in KFC. I also remember when she was too kids she gave me a cute black dress as the present of my 6th years old birthday.

(From the right side: me, Carin, Ovie, Nita)

When we grow teens (I only 4 years older than her), we spent a lot of fun but silly times. I often hang out with her. Sometimes, we just ride the bike and going nowhere, no destination. But we still had the great times. We ever almost blunder against a sauce-seller on the street, we ever fallen down from her bike because we were avoiding chicken on the yard, she always mad at me when I saw cute guys and she didn't (because she drove the bike, then she needs to concentrate on the road more than on the guys around hehe).
When we grow older (she still in teens anyway), we exchange some recipes. The funniest thing was since we were kids we often spend times cooking some foods together, and yes it never works. It only works when we cook it by our self, not cook it together.
And what would makes me miss her very much, I will never see her every weekend as we usually do. She always come to my house almost every Saturday to pick me up. We always pray together every Saturday in our other cousin's house and Carin always picks me up. Besides her, there are our two cousins, Nita and Ovie who are the great sister of us. We often spend the time together, hanging out, and make fun to each other. Without Carin, I just know that those moments wouldn't be the same. There will never be the youngest sister who always makes us laugh, there will never be the funniest sister, the silly and genius at the same time.
Since I grow old with her and we never be apart for a -very- long time, I'm sure I will miss her very much.

Well, my little sister is a big girl now.
She is growing older. I love the sisterhood we have.
I know I will miss her, but I know she should catch up her dreams, and this is her way.
Sometimes I wonder about her, living alone in a far away country.
Would there will be a sister who take care of her when she get cold, cough, fever, or need something?
I really wish she would be fine along the years.

Have a good time there, dear sister.
Be a good girl and brilliant student. I know you can do it and I can't wait to see you home soon.
Have a good time there, dear sister.
Be a good girl and brilliant student.
Keep your health well, only consume healthy foods .
I know you can do it and I can't wait to see you home soon.
You know, I will miss you very much!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Twenty Years From Now...

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things u didn’t do than by the things u did do” ~ Mark Twain

What happened with me if I never live this way? What would I regret if I never do something else than doing everything I do just like today? Whom I will be?
I get a lot of chances in my life, and I left them some. I find opportunities has been coming to me, and I throw it away. What would life will be if I ever take it all? What would life will be if I never throw it all?

There might be a lot of regrets. Life might be different if I take the opportunities. Life might be different if I ever go to the places offered to me. But, when I take those chances there must be something else I would regret. Yes, I would regret my life I have without you. And it does hurts, I know. It does not worth about the chances I take and the lost I'll get.
Maybe, when I take it all, I would just lost you. Maybe, when I get it all, I wouldn't have you.
If somebody ever asked me what I did, even laughing at me because all of the chances I throw, I only let them do.
Because they just don't know, what I have now in my hand would be something that brings to my everlasting happiness. Something I am sure of. Something beyond compare. Something precious above it all.
Twenty years from now, I might regret all the chances I left. But twenty years from now, all of those regret would never win compares to the happiness I get with you.
The world in my hand, what does it means without you be mine?
You, yes you.
For you, I am so thankful because you are mine.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Little Angel of The Last November

This November 30th probably would be the good day of me and the whole family. Today, a newborn baby sees the world and she does sooo beautiful. Actually, it's my cousin who give-birth the baby girl. I know they'd been waiting for a long time to see the baby. And today, she comes to see the beautiful world.
I am so excited as I did to my nephews, Abid and Iko. Those boys now are having a cousin and honestly I dont know what would they do to this girl hehehe. Since there was no little girl in the house, I dont know would it be a pinch or bite or maybe they would be nice to their sister.
Since I was having only two nephews, its kind a hard for me to stop dreaming about buying beautiful dress for my niece. And my sister makes it real! I already having a niece now. Means, I can buy a lot of little dress and design it by my self.
Anyway, her name is Khansa. Here I upload the newborn baby girl's pict that I took from hospital some hours after she sees the world! :)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Importance of Targeting Your Online Ad: How To Sell Lingerie to Men?

Its funny for me when I saw a lingerie advertisement on the right side of Dhidha, my man's Facebook profile. Well, he is absolutely not a gay or fashion designer or having any job related to fashion industry. Since the message that delivered to audience, both male and female was only the same, I find it funny when the advertiser selling women's item to men. Advertise a product to everyone is okay, but paying no focus on shooting your target audience is a big mistake.

Online Advertising on Social Media: A Significant Difference Between The Traditional and Digital Media
We already know that there are a lot of difference in advertise product on the traditional and digital media. Traditional media could be a channel for advertiser to run their campaign in case of reaching the most people. If the product that being advertised is a daily consume or non-gendered product, so everybody could be their consumer, then traditional media such as television, newspaper, or magazine would be a good choice. Massive effect as the superiority of traditional media still left a problem. Since its audience are very huge there is a doubt in focusing how to deliver message to target audience who are the prior consumer. There is no wrong in spreading message to the whole people, but to engage audience's emotions and be intimate with them we should be able to build a relationship and emerging a closeness feeling. Beside that, focusing to communicate with the prior target audience will put advertising cost become more effective. Solution that usually be used when facing some problems like that was putting the ads on the media that is having close relation with the product's target consumer. Both product and media should have the same target, so the message that are delivered effectively received by the audience.
Different thing happens when it comes to the digital media. Today, we could see that social media become so happening. It seems like everybody must be having Friendster, Facebook, or Twitter account. So, there is no wonder when today social media becomes a powerful tool on advertising.
Based on the case of lingerie advertisement on man's Facebook profile, it shows that the advertiser seems like didn't focus in communicating with their target audience. Facebook can do further than what traditional media can do. In social media, advertisers can put their ads on their specific target audience. In Facebook, advertisers can track web user's interaction to the very detailed level. They can choose to show ads based on location (by looking up user's IP address), interest (based on what website user's visit), or by behavior (based on what ads or links that user's click). They can choose who is the people who are their target by looking for the gender, birthday, relationship status, or even the user's friends. So, Facebook can do A LOT and help in making effective advertisement.

How To Sell Lingerie To Men?
In the way on lingerie ads on man's Facebook profile, to be honest the advertiser actually should pay more attention on choosing their target audience then it will lead them to reduce their advertising cost by reaching the specific target audience. Lingerie is woman's thing, so why should be advertise it to men?
"Some men may want to buy lingerie to their girlfriends or wives", you say. It could be happen and that's exactly right. But there is a better way to do it; show them different ads. Don't communicate women thing to men with the way you communicate with women. Also, don't communicate men thing to women with the way you communicate with men.
Advertisers only need to serve different ads that serves only for men, with the right way of approaching them by putting the copy such as "Give a memorable gift for her; Tell her how sexy she is; or Show her how much she turns you on." Better, advertisers can choose to display the ads only to the married man or the in a relationship one.

Finally, online advertising can focus on your specific target. It can do more than traditional media. But it is only a tool, the basic principles should be in the mind of the advertiser to make the ads effective. Focusing specific target to communicate in online advertising could help in delivering very relevant message. The benefit is that the advertiser will save money on their ads campaign, make it effective, and get the better result.

2. Buzzmedia

Monday, November 8, 2010


We already knew about Transformer, right? Yes, it is an American live-action film about robot starring by FHM's sexiest woman in the world Megan Fox, Shia LaBeouf, and Josh Duhamel. But the article I am writing about is having no connection at all with Transformer. It does connected with consumer on the future era (or perhaps its already going?).
Today consumers are not just a consumer (people who consume something anymore). Bunch of reasons are pushing consumers to transform their self to be a Transumers. Transumers are consumers driven by experiences instead of the "fixed", by entertainment, by discovery, by fighting boredom, who increasingly live a transient lifestyle, freeing themselves from the hassles of permanent ownership and possessions. The fixed is replaced by an obsession with the "here" and "now", an ever-shorter satisfaction span, and a lust to collect as many experiences and stories as possible (Trendwatching, 2006).
Based on the definition above, we could understand that transumers are kind of consumers that shaped by new experiences rather than any "fixed", they are trying to discover something new as a part of fighting their boredom. They are kind of consumers who want to escape themselves from any problems that caused by ownership and possessions such as tax and damage. And they want to enrich them selves with new experiences and new stories for temporary satisfaction.
As I wrote above, consumers transforms their self because of bunch reasons. And there are some characteristics of what transumers are alike. The first characteristic can be seen because of the products availability. Today, there are so many products available and technology really make it easy for consumers to reach them all at the same time! This is what people say as "tyranny of choice". They are facing a lot of choices and as a human being, consumers wants them all. This is the cause of why consumers are not being loyal only for a brand and likes to seek new brands.
The second characteristics can be seen on social network. Most of consumers today are having their social network account even in Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, and other sites. They do love share their stories to their friends. They often update their status on those social network to tell how their experience about a brand. That's why transumers are consumers who driven by experience. The problem then is we are people who are having limited space. So, transumers always looking for new spaces to get new experiences to be shared. For a simple example, we often get bored with some restaurants in our city then we are seeking to find a new restaurant, then we share it to our social network. No wonder, today (and perhaps in the future) hospitality industries such as hotel and tourism are in a big opportunity reminds transumers are spending most of their times outside.
Besides the big opportunity for hospitality industry, other implications on the emerging of transumers is decreasing numbers of ownership. They dislike to posses something for a long time. They dislike to get problems because of their ownership and possession of thing, better for them to rent than owning. So, rental industries also having a good chance to shoot transumers as the prior target market. Then, its important for those industries to learn the characteristic of transumers as their target market to design a right way on approaching them.
In other hand, transumers are kind of consumers who are having huge attention to environment. Most of them are being a part of communities who cares about ecosystem, environment, and healthy living. The reason of why is because they are not saving a lot of goods that ends up only become a rubbish.
Even though transumers sounds interesting, but we should put a caution on a dark side that may happened to transumers' life. That is the personal life, especially family life of transumers that maybe distracted because transumers as a member of family spent most of their times outside, busy with their new experience, and having less time to communicate and interact with their family.
So, have you been a transumer already? Have you found the right path to approach transumers as your industry's target market?

Marketing Magazine. No. 10/X/October 2010
Trendwatching on

I love you 'til the end...

I'm lost for words don't tell me
'Cause all I can say, I love you 'til the end...

Friday, November 5, 2010

-still another- quote of the day

Dunia dalam genggamanku, apa artinya kalau kamu tidak di sana?

Hand A Book!

"Yes, I gave a hand by giving a book and it feels so GOOD!"

Ya, dari judulnya udah ketauan banget kalau itu kegiatan yang berkutat soal sumbang-menyumbang buku. Berbeda dengan acara sumbang-menyumbang buku lainnya yang ditujukan untuk teman-teman yang kurang mampu, kegiatan yang bernama "Hand A Book" ini berawal dari "kelangkaan" beberapa buku bagus yang sudah sulit ditemukan baik di perpustakaan maupun di toko-toko buku.
"Hand A Book" merupakan sebuah proyek sosial mahasiswa Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi UGM yang berangkat dari temuan menarik bahwa saat ini banyak para mahasiswa tingkat akhir yang "kelebihan" buku sementara para mahasiswa baru banyak yang kesulitan mencari buku-buku perkuliahan yang disarankan oleh dosen. Selain itu, dari riset kecil-kecilan yang telah dilakukan ditemukan fakta psikologis bahwa ternyata para mahasiswa memiliki rasa empati yang tinggi untuk menolong sesama namun mereka dihadapkan pada keterbatasan-keterbatasan tertentu seperti waktu dan keleluasaan ekonomi. Oleh karena itu, maka "Hand A Book" berupaya untuk mengakomodir dan menjembatani kedua hal tersebut melalui program donasi buku-buku perkuliahan di bidang studi Ilmu Komunikasi untuk kemudian disalurkan kepada teman-teman mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi UGM yang memerlukan buku tersebut.

Untuk berpartisipasi dalam program
"Hand A Book" ini sendiri prosedurnya sangat mudah. Teman-teman dapat langsung menghubungi "Hand A Book" melalui mention di account Twitter @handabook, Facebook "Hand A Book", maupun secara langsung menghubungi admin di nomor (082138287013). Dalam program ini, teman-teman dapat mendonasikan minimal tiga buku yang berkaitan dengan Ilmu Komunikasi untuk kemudian ditukarkan dengan sebuah T-Shirt secara gratis bertuliskan, "Yes, I gave a hand by giving a book". Buku-buku yang didonasikan kemudian akan ditempeli stiker untuk kemudian dituliskan nama dan angkatan pemilik buku sebelumnya serta kesan pribadinya tentang buku tersebut.
Sementara itu, bagi teman-teman yang ingin memperoleh buku dari program "Hand A Book" dapat mengakses data base pengarsipan buku-buku yang tersedia di website "Hand A Book" melalui situs . Sejauh ini telah tersedia 51 buah buku di bidang Ilmu Komunikasi terutama yang berkaitan dengan Ilmu Komunikasi, Ilmu Politik, Ilmu Sosial dan Politik, Media, Metode Penelitian, Teori, dan masih banyak lagi.

Dengan adanya program
"Hand A Book" tidak hanya sekedar beramal dengan mendonasikan buku serta memperoleh buku-buku yang dibutuhkan. Lebih dari itu, program "Hand A Book" ini mampu menunjukkan sense of belonging yang erat di antara sesama mahasiswa Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi UGM dari berbagai angkatan. Melalui program ini, kedekatan emosional yang selama ini didengung-dengungkan terbukti melalui kepedulian untuk membantu dan mendukung sesama civitas akademika dalam bentuk sharing ilmu lewat buku-buku perkuliahan.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Tak kan pernah aku menjadi segitiga yang melukaimu.
Aku adalah lingkaran, mencintaimu tanpa akhir.
Kamu aman di dalamnya...

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Semester ini saya resmi memasuki tahap baru yang berbeda dibandingkan dengan semester-semester sebelumnya. Ya, saya resmi menunaikan ibadah skripsi di semester ini. Harapan saya, makhluk yang bernama "skripsi" ini selesai di semester ini sehingga semester depan sudah ada tambahan "S. IP" di belakang nama saya.
Skripsi tidak semudah yang dibayangkan. Memang tidak ada yang bilang kalau skripsi itu mudah, semuanya mengeluhkan, "Skripsi itu susah", "Skripsi itu ribet", "Skripsi itu mahal", dan sebagainya. Bagi saya sendiri semuanya betul. Tidak mudah, tidak ringkas, dan tidak murah. Perlu kecermatan, kerja keras, usaha, keberanian, kenekatan, dan di atas segalanya diperlukan kemauan. Passion mungkin pilihan kata yang tepat.
Beberapa tahun belakangan ini saya mengakrabi kata "passion" tersebut. Berpuluh-puluh pekerjaan yang saya lakukan menjadi hal yang saya cintai, menjadi hal yang saya ikhlaskan, menjadi hal yang memberikan ruh, energi saya dalam memaknai hidup didasarkan pada kata itu, passion.
Sebagai sebuah kosakata, passion jelas bukanlah kata yang baru bagi telinga saya. Namun sejak beberapa tahun belakangan, passion menjadi kata yang bernyawa.
Kata passion menjadi sebuah kepercayaan yang dipegang teguh oleh saya, pacar saya, dan beberapa teman kami. Kami percaya bahwa passion merupakan suatu dasar dari rasa bahagia dalam menjalankan sesuatu. Apapun yang kami lakukan akan menjadi lebih hidup, menjadi bermakna, dan tidak terasa sebagai beban jika didasarkan pada passion ini.
Tidak berbeda dalam mengerjakan skripsi ini. Kata passion agaknya harus kembali kami terapkan. Saya khususnya sudah merasakan "sensasi passion" dalam diri saya. Bagaimanapun jatuh dan terinjaknya saya harus segera bangkit dan menyukuri saat-saat tersungkur mencium tanah.
Skripsi memang tidak pernah mudah. Ini bukan melulu seputar menulis, membaca, dan meneliti. It is absolutely beyond a research. Ini adalah petualangan yang harus segera diselesaikan. Secepat mungkin, sekuat mungkin.
Jadi, selamat datang kembali buku-buku tebal. Selamat datang kembali tidur tengah malam. Selamat datang kembali pesan-pesan "jangan lupa makan". Lets make friends! :)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Can't Take My Eyes of You

Pardon the way that I stare
There's nothing else to compare
The sight of you leaves me weak
There are no words left to speak
But if you feel like I feel
Please let me know that it's real
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes of you...

LOOK! #1

I love fashion! Everybody uhm... every girl I guess love fashion so much. Some of them even thinks that fashion is everything. Something that rules their lives, should be followed, even something to die for. But fashion is not merely exists in dress only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.
Everybody have their own style. Unfortunately, there are some people who are forcing their self to hard on following fashion trends. They follow the trend each time and dress up just like the trend told them to be. The bad side is not everybody are totally suitable wearing the dress in every trend. Sometimes a dress looks good to be fitted in someone but its not pretty when someone else wears it. So, the point is only wear the dress that is suitable for your self, because the luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is not luxury.
Here I share and review some dress that I mixed up on Looklet. The list of item I used briefly explained on each picture.

1. Titled: Fabulousarong
The uniqueness of that dress was in the skirt. Skirt by Lars Wallin above is fashionably cute with the pink tuft on the right-side. The color of yellow with the square pattern reminds me with the sarong that usually wear by men in Indonesia (hahaha). It looks pretty combines with the top and vest from Indiska and Ann Christine. The stack necklace also cute in completing the dress.

2. Titled: Uptown Girl
The dress from Issa London on the picture above was fabulous! Its sexy but not vulgar. The scarf from Rtzou also has a beautiful floral print. The color is great combined with the dress. The heels from Bjorn Borg very catchy in khaki color.

3. Titled: Simply Me

The catchiest part of this look is the blouse! I love the cut of the blouse. The blouse created by Diana Orving above are simple yet hot. It looks sexy even it just simply mix up with black skinny jeans. Because the blouse is so catchy then you don't need to put a lot accesories especially necklace. Clutch maybe the best combination on completing the look.

-another- quote of the day! :)

I don't know why women want all of the things men have when one the things that women have is men.
- Coco Chanel -

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I miss you very much.
I miss you to the level my self just can't explain.

home, September 14th 2010.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Countering Issue of Negative Words of Mouth

Tidak bisa dipungkiri words of mouth (WoM) menjadi salah satu strategi komunikasi pemasaran yang sangat efektif bagi sebuah perusahaan maupun produk yang dipasarkannya. Basis kepercayaan interpersonal (interpersonal high trust) menjadi salah satu alasan dari efektivitas strategi ini. Bagi sebagian besar orang promosi yang disampaikan melalui iklan memiliki efek yang lebih kecil dibandingkan promosi yang disampaikan oleh orang lain terutama bila orang tersebut merupakan orang-orang terdekat. Rekomendasi dari orang-orang terdekat inilah yang memiliki efek lebih besar karena umumnya rekomendasi mereka akan lebih didengar dibandingkan promosi di berbagai iklan.
Strategi words of mouth (WoM) ini tentunya menjadi salah satu strategi komunikasi yang tidak hanya ampuh namun juga gratis bagi perusahaan. Selain dapat menjaring konsumen baru, perusahaan juga tidak perlu menyusun anggaran dalam jumlah besar untuk melaksanakan strategi ini karena pesan promosi akan terus berkembang dan menyebar luas dengan sendirinya.
Sekilas strategi words of mouth (WoM) memang memiliki keunggulan khususnya jika informasi yang tersebar merupakan pesan yang bersifat positif (positive words of mouth), namun bila informasi yang tersebar merupakan pesan yang bersifat negatif (negative words of mouth) maka alih-alih keuntungan bisa jadi justru kerugian yang dialami oleh perusahaan tersebut.

Dalam menghadapi negative words of mouth perusahaan dapat menyikapinya dengan berbagai cara. Mulai dari mengabaikan, menuntut, atau justru memanfaatkan negative words of mouth dengan mengubahnya menjadi positive words of mouth. Sikap yang terakhir diungkapkan merupakan sikap dan solusi yang cerdas bahkan bisa mendatangkan keuntungan ganda bagi perusahaan. Sayangnya kesadaran perusahaan untuk mengambil langkah ini cenderung masih minim. Kebanyakan perusahaan lebih memilih untuk memperkarakan negative words of mouth atau mengabaikan "virus" ini.
Sebutlah kasus yang dialami oleh Prita Mulyasari dan RS Omni International. Tuntutan yang dilayangkan oleh RS Omni International atas "curhat" Ibu Prita di media online merupakan langkah yang ditempuh untuk menghadapi negative words of mouth yang berkembang di masyarakat, khususnya para anggota yang tergabung dalam milis tersebut. Hasilnya, RS Omni International justru memperoleh pencitraan yang buruk terbukti dengan banyaknya dukungan yang diberikan oleh masyarakat baik melalui situs Facebook maupun aksi "koin untuk Prita". Hal ini jelas membuktikan bahwa negative words of mouth tidak bisa begitu saja dihentikan dengan langkah-langkah hukum.
Selanjutnya, mari kita meninjau bagaimana Apple mengubah negative words of mouth menjadi positive words of mouth yang powerful. Casey Neistat, pakar multimedia yang kecewa atas regulasi yang menekankan tentang tidak adanya penggantian baterai untuk Ipod dan mengekspresikan kekecewaannya dengan menayangkannya di berbagai website tentunya memberikan efek negative words of mouth bagi Apple dan Ipod. Tidak gegabah dalam mengambil sikap, Steve Jobs justru mengirimkan sebuah Ipod baru gratis bagi Neistat dan mengubah regulasi dengan memberikan jaminan tentang penggantian baterai Ipod dengan harga yang lebih murah. Dengan langkah ini, Casey Neistat yang awalnya menjadi "penyebar" negative words of mouth berubah menjadi "penyebar" positive words of mouth yang menguntungkan (profitable talker).
Kasus lain yang terjadi di Indonesia misalnya dapat diulas dari sebuah restoran siap saji, Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC). Di sebuah media massa saya membaca tentang bagaimana hotline service KFC memberikan respon negatif terhadap seorang anak kelas VI SD yang menelepon untuk memesan paket yang ditawarkan KFC. Customer service tersebut menganggap anak tersebut hanya main-main dengan meminta anak tersebut untuk memberikan telepon ke orang tuanya sementara sang anak mati-matian meyakinkan bahwa dia serius melakukan pemesanan. Karena merasa tersinggung, sang anak kemudian menyebarkan informasi tentang perlakuan KFC tersebut kepada orang tua dan teman-temannya. Hal ini tentunya berdampak negatif terhadap citra KFC di masyarakat, khususnya anak-anak. Memang hotline service rawan dengan beberapa isu seperti telepon palsu, namun langkah yang ditempuh seharusnya lebih bijak dan tidak membuat konsumen tersinggung.
Meskipun sekilas KFC tampak "bersalah", di lain pihak seandainya sang anak atau orang tuanya mengadukan kekecewaannya kepada customer service KFC mungkin ceritanya akan berbeda. Saya memiliki pengalaman langsung tentang ini. Pada bulan Ramadhan lalu saya berkunjung ke salah satu gerai KFC di waktu buka puasa. Tentunya pada waktu-waktu tersebut traffic sangat tinggi dan kesigapan petugas untuk membersihkan meja sangat penting. Sayangnya, di gerai KFC tersebut saya tidak memperoleh kenyamanan layanan karena petugas tidak kunjung datang untuk membersihkan meja bahkan setelah kami selesai memesan makanan. Ketidaknyamanan tersebut saya adukan ke customer service KFC dan penanganannya sangat baik, cepat, dan menyenangkan. Mulai dari tingkat pusat hingga cabang semuanya terfollow-up dengan rapi. Sangat mengesankan. Kekecewaan saya pun terbayar dan saya dengan bangga menceritakan pengalaman tersebut ke rekan-rekan saya.
Langkah yang ditempuh KFC sesungguhnya merupakan langkah umum yang standar dan sederhana, namun efektif. Kemauan untuk menanggapi dan memperbaiki layanan demi kenyamanan konsumen merupakan salah satu langkah paling sederhana dalam mencegah berkembangnya negative words of mouth dari konsumen yang kecewa.
Dari sini dapat dipahami bahwa words of mouth di satu sisi dapat memberikan keuntungan apabila dapat dioptimalkan, namun di sisi lain dapat membunuh brand bila diabaikan khususnya jika informasi negatiflah yang berkembang. Salah satu langkah cerdas, jangan gegabah dalam mengambil sikap. Atasi negative words of mouth dengan mengubahnya menjadi positive words of mouth.

Majalah Marketing.

Gambar dipinjam dari:

Friday, August 20, 2010

i'm so glad to be yours :)

lying here together
soaking in the tub
our toes turned wrinkly
windows all steamed up
I'm just kinda hanging
you're reading from your book
it no matter what we are doing
it all feels so good

don't you get it baby
I'm so glad to be yours
oh pretty baby
I don't need nothing more
this is all I need

I know we're out the money
put that long road aside
but I just look at you beside me
and man I've got it all

don't you get it baby
I'm so glad to be yours
oh pretty baby
I don't need nothing more
this is all I need

Monday, August 16, 2010

Upacara Peringatan Kemerdekaan 17 Agustus 2010

Seperti biasa saya selalu menantikan upacara bendera setiap tanggal 17 Agustus. Lebih dari sekedar didasari karena rasa nasionalisme, upacara bendera membawa sebagian rasa kebanggaan, mimpi, dan harapan. Terhitung sejak sekitar lima tahunan yang lalu saya rutin mengikuti upacara dari layar televisi. Artinya, tahun ini mungkin sekitar tahun keenam saya dalam mengikuti ritual prosesi ini.
Upacara bendera tanggal 17 Agustus membawa kebanggaan besar dalam diri saya. Kebanggaan saat melihat bendera berkibar dengan gagah di seluruh pelosok negeri. Kebanggaan dan rasa syukur yang besar atas segala hal yang dimiliki bangsa ini.
Upacara bendera tanggal 17 Agustus juga turut membawa mimpi saya. Sejak kecil saya bercita-cita menjadi paskibraka. Cita-cita yang tidak pernah bisa tercapai karena kondisi fisik saya yang memang terlalu kurus dan gampang pingsan tersengat cahaya matahari. Akhirnya saya mengikhlaskan cita-cita itu terbang meskipun mimpi itu masih terus ada dalam hati. Entahlah, mungkin mimpi itu juga yang membuat saya terobsesi pada pesona pasukan-pasukan tinggi, tegap, dan gagah. Rasa syukur saya bertambah ketika kemudian saya didampingi oleh seorang pasangan yang persis seperti apa yang saya inginkan, seorang komandan delapan pagi pasukan pengibar bendera 17 Agustus 2006 di Istana Gedung Agung Yogyakarta.
Upacara bendera tanggal 17 Agustus juga melambungkan harapan yang besar bagi keberlanjutan kehidupan bangsa. Saya selalu setuju dengan pendapat pacar saya, "Pemimpin bangsa yang terpilih adalah yang terbaik di masanya. Sehingga siapapun beliau harus kita dukung". Ya, saya setuju bahwa pemipin bangsa adalah yang terbaik di masanya. Mungkin, ketika pemimpin terdahulu memimpin bangsa kita saat ini, kepemimpinannya tidak akan maksimal. Begitu pula sebaliknya, mungkin jika pemimpin kita dihadapkan pada kepemimpinan masa lalu, kepemimpinannya pun tidak akan maksimal. Dalam setiap upacara, selalu terbersit harapan agar bangsa kita selalu diberikan perlindungan, menjadi bangsa yang lebih arif dan bijaksana, bangsa yang santun, bangsa yang cerdas, bangsa yang benar-benar dipuja-puja bangsa sejak dulu kala.
Terhitung tahun ini adalah sekitar tahun keenam saya rutin mengikuti prosesi upacara peringatan kemerdekaan. Yang berbeda tahun ini saya mengikuti prosesi tersebut dari dua lokasi, Istana Negara dan Tugu Proklamasi. Upacara di Istana Negara tentu saja disiarkan secara langsung oleh berbagai saluran televisi, sementara upacara di Tugu Proklamasi saya ikuti via online. Ya, ini adalah kali pertama putra-putri bangsa mengadakan upacara digital yang diikuti lebih dari 13.000 orang dari berbagai penjuru dunia. Ya, penjuru dunia bukan hanya penjuru nusantara. Hashtag #indonesia65 di Twitter pun sudah melaju ke trending topic worldwide. How do we LOVE you technology!
Upacara bendera 17 Agustus selalu membuat bulu kuduk saya merinding. Mulai dari derap langkah Paskibraka memasuki lapangan upacara, pembawa baki membawa bendera pusaka, hingga pengibaran bendera merah putih selalu membawa euphoria tersendiri dalam diri saya.

"Kita tahu setiap bangsa pernah melewati masa-masa gelap sebelum menuju terang. Yang membedakan antara satu bangsa dan bangsa lain adalah pilihan sikap mereka ketika masa gelap melanda. Dan kita mungkin adalah bangsa yang memilih menyalakan lilin ketimbang mengutuk gelap." (Ndorokakung - Upacara Digital).

Sunday, July 25, 2010


this is not merely a jealousy.
its no more jealousy.
its definitely not a jealous.
its a detestation...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Its KKN Time!

Hai, its KKN Time!
The location is in Bantengwareng, Gunungkidul. The atmosphere? Well, its so damn different with the atmosphere that I face every day. When you live with seven people at the same house that is absolutely different as the house of yours it takes a lot of new excitment and new experience. Meeting new people, new tradition, new cultures, new habit are very impressing and I respect this process so much.
I met some kids, to mention some are Sheila, Dea, Lilis, Desy, Nanda, Chandra, and the cute baby named Reihan. It such a funny thing to play some game and talk any "stupid nothing" with them because they just teach me a thing. They are so innocent, put me into the construction of "real" kids. They didn't blame, they didn't give a shit to their friends. They do love and take care each other, just like give me a prove that the "friendship" is so real. I learn a lot about the hospitality, the willingness of a younger sister/brother to be able to play with their older one, the honesty, the acceptance of every condition, and how the life of children should be goes on.
Besides meeting the kids, what impress me so much is about hospitality of the society. They always put a smile, give a big enthusiastic when meeting us, and always try to serve the best. This is the point that really admires me.
Anyway, the environment is so extremely different. It always cool in the midnight to morning and so hot in day. Also the water, we should go to the well first before being able to bath or wash the dishes. It also brings me in a different way of washing dishes, and uhmm... it brings me into a moment of missing the washing machine I have at home hehe :p
Besides that, I do happy living with you all guys. I am living here with my baby, Dhidha; my good girl friend, Cicit; and Eny, Reza, Wahyu, and Bebek. To explain, the last one was the craziest people in the house.
I do happy with this, the life I have. I learn a lot, I am living fully happy, and this process just reminds me for always thanking God because He gives me a perfect and happy life :)

Sunday, June 20, 2010


though you never tell me, i know that you love and care on me with your own way :) #tentangayah

i know we never seen each other before, but i do believe that you are the greatest one because your son is a great man too :) #tentangayah

it may still a dream. but i am so sure that my dream about having a man, who is the perfect daddy for our kids will be come true :) #tentangayah


Alhamdulillah, its our 2nd year anniversary and i am sooooooooo happy!
I do thanking God for His bless, for all the grace, and for giving you into me. I do really happy with this all.
Tonight, I am so touched because my baby, Dhidha comes for celebrating our anniversa
We have our dinner, ordering some pizzas and bruschetta, talks a lot, and exchanging our gift.
This is one of the best part that we always wait. As I wrote on my post before (titled "Hadiah"), we always love to guess the gift of each other.
And the coolest thing of this year was we give the same thing as gift! :D

We both have Iceberg Perfume for our gift. The difference was the type.
Dhidha gives my favourite Iceberg Twice for me, and I give him a brand new Iceberg Fragrance.
We do love it!

p.s. this post maybe not as "okay" as any other post before. The reason was I still speechless and do so happy about my gift! Wohooooo, thank you my baby! :)

Happy Anniversary

Happy Our Anniversary, Baby :)
Thank you for always being my perfect partner in everything.
Every day I fall more in love with you.
I love you, Christa Adhi Dharma...

good times together :)

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Friday, June 18, 2010

Kampanye Pepsodent Sikat Gigi Pagi+Malam

Persaingan yang semakin ketat menuntut para pelaku industri untuk dapat menyusun serangkaian strategi jitu agar produk yang ditawarkannya sukses di pasaran dan akhirnya tentu kembali pada profit yang dihasilkan. Berbagai strategi pemasaran pun disusun dengan cermat melalui berbagai channel. Salah satunya dengan menggunakan saluran periklanan (advertising) sebagai bagian dari Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) dengan orientasi terhadap objcetives yang dituju.
Salah satu brand yang menggunakan periklanan sebagai salah satu saluran IMCnya adalah Pepsodent. Pepsodent, pasta gigi yang berada di bawah naungan PT. Unilever tidak hanya mengkomunikasikan produknya dengan cara yang biasa, namun dengan sebuah strategi yang cerdas dan saling berintegrasi dengan saluran-saluran pemasaran lainnya.
Kampanye Pepsodent tahun ini, "Sikat Gigi Pagi+Malam" merupakan salah satu dari sekian kampanye pemasaran Pepsodent yang selalu mengetengahkan konsep-konsep edukasi dan kehangatan keluarga. Setelah sukses dengan kampanye "Football" tahun 2007 dan kampanye "Teaching Habit" tahun 2008, kampanye "Sikat Gigi Pagi"+Malam" diprediksikan dapat mencapai kesuksesan yang sama dengan kampanye-kampanye sebelumnya.

Kampanye "Sikat Gigi Pagi+Malam" rasanya sudah cukup familiar bagi masyarakat. Iklan televisi (TVC)nya hampir setiap hari dapat dilihat di berbagai saluran televisi. Kampanye ini pun cukup memorable terutama karena dukungan kedua talentnya, Irgi Fahrezi dan Dimas yang mampu bermain secara apik dan kompak sehingga edukasi yang ingin disampaikan dapat dipahami dengan mudah oleh konsumen yang menjadi audiens iklan tersebut. Dalam iklan tersebut, Irgi Fahrezi yang berperan sebagai "Ayah Adi" mengajak "Dika" yang diperankan oleh Dimas, untuk menggosok giginya setiap malam sebelum tidur. Inilah objective yang ingin dicapai oleh Pepsodent, yakni mengajak keluarga Indonesia untuk menanamkan kebiasan menggosok gigi dua kali sehari, yakni pagi hari setelah sarapan dan malam hari sebelum tidur. Menurut survey, kini 91,1% orang Indonesia sudah menggosok gigi setiap hari, namun baru 7,3% saja yang menggosok giginya pada waktu yang tepat.
Di balik kekuatan Pepsodent dalam mengedukasi pasar, menjaga kekuatan dan posisi brandnya, serta mencapai objective yang dituju, iklan Pepsodent kampanye "Sikat Gigi Pagi+Malam" yang disampaikan dalam tiga seri yakni, "Pepsodent Little Monster", "Pepsodent Song of Teeth", dan "Pepsodent Sleeping With Chicken", turut menawarkan sebuah misi yakni kehangatan relasi antara ayah dan anak.
Tidak dapat dipungkiri, budaya patriarki yang berkembang mengajarkan pembagian peran antara laki-laki dan perempuan sudah diatur dalam "porsi" relasi antara orang tua dengan anak. Sosok ibu yang diyakini penuh menjadi satu-satunya sosok yang bertanggung jawab dalam mengedukasi kebiasaan dan perilaku anak-anak diubah oleh Peposdent dengan mengedepankan sosok ayah sebagai sosok yang juga bertanggung jawab dalam edukasi tersebut. Sosok ayah yang lekat dengan stigma intensitas waktu bercengkerama dengan anak-anaknya pada waktu yang sangat terbatas yakni weekend saja, diubah oleh Pepsodent dengan menawarkan quality time baru yakni saat menggosok gigi di malam hari. Dengan menggosok gigi di malam hari bersama,intensitas quality time yang dimiliki oleh ayah dan anak tidak lagi terbatas pada weekend saja namun setiap hari. Meskipun secara kuantitas terbilang rendah, namun secara kualitas tidak menutup kemungkinan dapat menjadi momen-momen yang "hidup" dalam benak ayah dan sang anak.
Kampanye "Sikat Gigi Pagi+Malam" dapat dikatakan merupakan sebuah kampanye yang cerdas. Setelah sebelumnya kebiasaan menggosok gigi dilakukan oleh sosok ibu (disampaikan lewat TVC Kampanye "Teaching Habit"), maka konsistensi Unilever untuk menjadi brand yang banyak berorientasi pada produk yang dapat digunakan oleh seluruh keluarga sangat terjaga. Kampanye ini pun turut direalisasikan dengan diadakannya kontes "Adu Taktik Pepsodent Sikat Gigi Pagi + Malam" yang mendorong terciptanya interaksi yang berkualitas setiap hari antara ayah dan anak-anaknya.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Quotes of The Day! :)

"Aku pernah jatuh cinta, lalu aku patah hati..
Setelah bertemu denganmu pun, aku tak berhenti patah hati..
Setiap kali kita bertengkar, setiap kali itu pula aku sakit dan patah hati..
Tapi kamu, dengan kekuatan yg entah kamu peroleh dari mana, selalu bisa membuatku jatuh cinta lagi.." (Hayu, 2007)

Women Translated Language

1. Fine : this is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.
2. Five Minutes: if she's getting dressed, this means a half an hour.
3. Nothing: this is the calm before the storm. nothing always means something. arguments that started with "nothing" usually ends with "fine".
4. Loud Sigh: this is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she wonders why she's wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing ("nothing" here refers to the #3).
5. That's Okay: this is one of the most dangerous statements a woman can make to a man. "That's okay" means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
6. Thanks: a woman is thanking you. do not question, or do not faint. just say "you're welcome".
7. Whatever: is woman's way of saying "F" word.
8. Don't worry about it, I got it: Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing her self. this will later result in a man asking "what's wrong?" and the woman will say "nothing" (jump back to "nothing" in #3).


Aku selalu suka prosesi ini. Ritual yang tidak pernah membosankan, menyenangkan, membingungkan, namun memberikan nyawa dalam setiap fase; mencari hadiah untukmu.
Aku selalu senang memberi hadiah karena aku sungguh menikmati prosesnya secara keseluruhan. Aku menikmati kebingungan, kesenangan, dan angan-angan. Aku menikmati saat menebak-nebak apakah hadiah yang ku pilih akan kau sukai, apakah ukurannya sesuai, apakah cocok, apakah akan berguna, dan berbagai apakah-apakah lainnya. Aku sungguh menikmati semua itu.
Aku semakin gembira pada saat-saat kita bertukar hadiah. Aku gembira saat kita saling kucing-kucingan merahasiakan hadiah, saat kita saling menebak hadiah, dan saat
kita saling berpelukan saat menerima hadiah masing-masing. Bukan hadiah itu sendiri eksistensinya, namun prosesi panjang yang menyenangkan itulah esensinya.
Aku tidak sabar menunggu hadiahku. Aku tidak sabar menunggu pelukan atas penghargaan pada prosesi panjang yang selalu menyenangkan.

p.s. i love you, my dhidha :)

Saturday, June 12, 2010


and in this crazy life
through this crazy times
its you, its you...
you're every sing, you're every line, you're every word,
you're everything...

Friday, June 11, 2010


Aku tidak bisa benar-benar mengingat apa yang terjadi 721 hari yang lalu.
Tapi jika bisa aku menebak, mungkin aku sedang duduk, memegang ponselku, membuka sebuah situs jejaring sosial berinisial F, dan memainkan jemariku untuk menuliskan sebuah pesan di kolom yang fungsi awalnya menjadi tempat testimonial.
Atau jika tebakanku itu salah, aku menebak jika aku sedang duduk, memegang ponselku, membuka sebuah situs percakapan online berinsial Y, entah sedang menunggu sebuah nama muncul di situ atau bahkan aku sedang memainkan jemariku dan seolah berbincang dengan nama yang ku tunggu.
Jika tebakanku masih salah juga, aku menebak jika aku sedang duduk, memegang ponselku, menimbang-nimbang seratus kali untuk memilih opsi "dial" atas sebuah nama yang terpajang di layar itu. Atau mungkin aku mempermainkan jemariku dan beberapa kali mengirim pesan kepada sang pemilik nama?

Entahlah, aku tidak punya mesin pemutar waktu.
Aku tidak benar-benar bisa mengingat apa yang aku lakukan 721 hari yang lalu.
Namun satu yang aku yakini, 721 hari yang lalu, di hari, tempat, dan jam yang sama, aku sedang memikirkan satu nama yang selalu sama dengan yang ku pikirkan saat ini.


Thursday, May 20, 2010


Hari ini tepat 699 hari kita berjalan melintasi jalan yang bersama-sama telah kita tentukan rutenya. Aku masih ingat waktu kita duduk bersama, berunding memetakan rute-rute tersebut dalam sebuah peta yang sudah kita tentukan dengan detail arah, rambu-rambu, dan lokasi keberadaan harta karunnya.

Peta itu tidak dicopy, tidak digambar kembali, tidak pula digandakan dalam bentuk apapun. Satu peta untuk bersama karena peta itu dibuat bersama-sama. Peta itu tidak dimiliki salah satu, tidak dipinjamkan, namun dibagi bersama. Berjalan bersama mengikuti arah yang sudah dijelaskan, mematuhi rambu-rambu yang sudah ditentukan, agar harta karun itu dapat ditemukan.

Selayaknya petualangan memperoleh harta karun, perjalanan yang ditempuh pun tidak selalu mulus. Meskipun rute dan rambu-rambu itu sudah dipatuhi, tetap saja ada tikungan, kerikil, angin, dan berbagai cobaan selama perjalanan itu namun tidak pernah kita keluhkan tapi justru kita syukuri. Dengan adanya semua itu, perjalanan ini semakin berwarna dan semakin terasa esensinya. Tanpanya, semua ini tidak akan sama. Perjalanan ini tidak akan pernah sama.

Bagiku, perjalanan ini tidak hanya sekedar esensi namun juga eksistensi. Kutawarkan nafasku dalam perjalanan itu, kuserahkan malam pada fajar yang direkahkan matahari, kuserahkan denyut nadiku padamu yang bergulung lelap dalam kuncup rahasia. Perjalanan ini tidak hanya sekedar mimpi. Setiap kali goncangan cobaan datang, semakin erat kita berpegangan, kembali duduk bersama, membaca peta dan mencari jalan lain menuju sang harta karun berada.

Bersamamu aku tidak pernah takut menghadapi goncangan dalam wujud apapun. Kuyakini kita akan tetap berjalan bersama, mempererat genggaman tangan kita, dan merapatkan langkah kaki kita.

Semua ini adalah perjalanan. Perjalanan panjang yang berujung pada satu tujuan pertama. Setelah itu, kita akan kembali duduk bersama memetakan kembali sebuah peta baru yang lebih sempurna dengan perjalanan yang luar biasa dan kembali berjalan mencapai tujuan baru yang tentunya lebih indah. Perjalanan ini adalah proses pembelajaran dan pengulangan pola. Pola itu kemudian akan terulang kembali dengan perjalanan yang jauh lebih luar biasa lagi dan peta yang lebih sempurna lagi, begitu terus menerus.

Perjalanan ini tidak sama, tidak akan pernah sama jika dijalani sendiri. Semua sempurna, karena kamu ada.

“Love is a journey, not a destination…”

Happy Our 699th Days Anniversarry, Christa Adhi Dharma

I love you and I will always do…