Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Little Angel of The Last November

This November 30th probably would be the good day of me and the whole family. Today, a newborn baby sees the world and she does sooo beautiful. Actually, it's my cousin who give-birth the baby girl. I know they'd been waiting for a long time to see the baby. And today, she comes to see the beautiful world.
I am so excited as I did to my nephews, Abid and Iko. Those boys now are having a cousin and honestly I dont know what would they do to this girl hehehe. Since there was no little girl in the house, I dont know would it be a pinch or bite or maybe they would be nice to their sister.
Since I was having only two nephews, its kind a hard for me to stop dreaming about buying beautiful dress for my niece. And my sister makes it real! I already having a niece now. Means, I can buy a lot of little dress and design it by my self.
Anyway, her name is Khansa. Here I upload the newborn baby girl's pict that I took from hospital some hours after she sees the world! :)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Importance of Targeting Your Online Ad: How To Sell Lingerie to Men?

Its funny for me when I saw a lingerie advertisement on the right side of Dhidha, my man's Facebook profile. Well, he is absolutely not a gay or fashion designer or having any job related to fashion industry. Since the message that delivered to audience, both male and female was only the same, I find it funny when the advertiser selling women's item to men. Advertise a product to everyone is okay, but paying no focus on shooting your target audience is a big mistake.

Online Advertising on Social Media: A Significant Difference Between The Traditional and Digital Media
We already know that there are a lot of difference in advertise product on the traditional and digital media. Traditional media could be a channel for advertiser to run their campaign in case of reaching the most people. If the product that being advertised is a daily consume or non-gendered product, so everybody could be their consumer, then traditional media such as television, newspaper, or magazine would be a good choice. Massive effect as the superiority of traditional media still left a problem. Since its audience are very huge there is a doubt in focusing how to deliver message to target audience who are the prior consumer. There is no wrong in spreading message to the whole people, but to engage audience's emotions and be intimate with them we should be able to build a relationship and emerging a closeness feeling. Beside that, focusing to communicate with the prior target audience will put advertising cost become more effective. Solution that usually be used when facing some problems like that was putting the ads on the media that is having close relation with the product's target consumer. Both product and media should have the same target, so the message that are delivered effectively received by the audience.
Different thing happens when it comes to the digital media. Today, we could see that social media become so happening. It seems like everybody must be having Friendster, Facebook, or Twitter account. So, there is no wonder when today social media becomes a powerful tool on advertising.
Based on the case of lingerie advertisement on man's Facebook profile, it shows that the advertiser seems like didn't focus in communicating with their target audience. Facebook can do further than what traditional media can do. In social media, advertisers can put their ads on their specific target audience. In Facebook, advertisers can track web user's interaction to the very detailed level. They can choose to show ads based on location (by looking up user's IP address), interest (based on what website user's visit), or by behavior (based on what ads or links that user's click). They can choose who is the people who are their target by looking for the gender, birthday, relationship status, or even the user's friends. So, Facebook can do A LOT and help in making effective advertisement.

How To Sell Lingerie To Men?
In the way on lingerie ads on man's Facebook profile, to be honest the advertiser actually should pay more attention on choosing their target audience then it will lead them to reduce their advertising cost by reaching the specific target audience. Lingerie is woman's thing, so why should be advertise it to men?
"Some men may want to buy lingerie to their girlfriends or wives", you say. It could be happen and that's exactly right. But there is a better way to do it; show them different ads. Don't communicate women thing to men with the way you communicate with women. Also, don't communicate men thing to women with the way you communicate with men.
Advertisers only need to serve different ads that serves only for men, with the right way of approaching them by putting the copy such as "Give a memorable gift for her; Tell her how sexy she is; or Show her how much she turns you on." Better, advertisers can choose to display the ads only to the married man or the in a relationship one.

Finally, online advertising can focus on your specific target. It can do more than traditional media. But it is only a tool, the basic principles should be in the mind of the advertiser to make the ads effective. Focusing specific target to communicate in online advertising could help in delivering very relevant message. The benefit is that the advertiser will save money on their ads campaign, make it effective, and get the better result.

1. http://www.facebook.com
2. Buzzmedia

Monday, November 8, 2010


We already knew about Transformer, right? Yes, it is an American live-action film about robot starring by FHM's sexiest woman in the world Megan Fox, Shia LaBeouf, and Josh Duhamel. But the article I am writing about is having no connection at all with Transformer. It does connected with consumer on the future era (or perhaps its already going?).
Today consumers are not just a consumer (people who consume something anymore). Bunch of reasons are pushing consumers to transform their self to be a Transumers. Transumers are consumers driven by experiences instead of the "fixed", by entertainment, by discovery, by fighting boredom, who increasingly live a transient lifestyle, freeing themselves from the hassles of permanent ownership and possessions. The fixed is replaced by an obsession with the "here" and "now", an ever-shorter satisfaction span, and a lust to collect as many experiences and stories as possible (Trendwatching, 2006).
Based on the definition above, we could understand that transumers are kind of consumers that shaped by new experiences rather than any "fixed", they are trying to discover something new as a part of fighting their boredom. They are kind of consumers who want to escape themselves from any problems that caused by ownership and possessions such as tax and damage. And they want to enrich them selves with new experiences and new stories for temporary satisfaction.
As I wrote above, consumers transforms their self because of bunch reasons. And there are some characteristics of what transumers are alike. The first characteristic can be seen because of the products availability. Today, there are so many products available and technology really make it easy for consumers to reach them all at the same time! This is what people say as "tyranny of choice". They are facing a lot of choices and as a human being, consumers wants them all. This is the cause of why consumers are not being loyal only for a brand and likes to seek new brands.
The second characteristics can be seen on social network. Most of consumers today are having their social network account even in Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, and other sites. They do love share their stories to their friends. They often update their status on those social network to tell how their experience about a brand. That's why transumers are consumers who driven by experience. The problem then is we are people who are having limited space. So, transumers always looking for new spaces to get new experiences to be shared. For a simple example, we often get bored with some restaurants in our city then we are seeking to find a new restaurant, then we share it to our social network. No wonder, today (and perhaps in the future) hospitality industries such as hotel and tourism are in a big opportunity reminds transumers are spending most of their times outside.
Besides the big opportunity for hospitality industry, other implications on the emerging of transumers is decreasing numbers of ownership. They dislike to posses something for a long time. They dislike to get problems because of their ownership and possession of thing, better for them to rent than owning. So, rental industries also having a good chance to shoot transumers as the prior target market. Then, its important for those industries to learn the characteristic of transumers as their target market to design a right way on approaching them.
In other hand, transumers are kind of consumers who are having huge attention to environment. Most of them are being a part of communities who cares about ecosystem, environment, and healthy living. The reason of why is because they are not saving a lot of goods that ends up only become a rubbish.
Even though transumers sounds interesting, but we should put a caution on a dark side that may happened to transumers' life. That is the personal life, especially family life of transumers that maybe distracted because transumers as a member of family spent most of their times outside, busy with their new experience, and having less time to communicate and interact with their family.
So, have you been a transumer already? Have you found the right path to approach transumers as your industry's target market?

Marketing Magazine. No. 10/X/October 2010
Trendwatching on http://trendwatching.com/trends/transumers.htm

I love you 'til the end...

I'm lost for words don't tell me
'Cause all I can say, I love you 'til the end...

Friday, November 5, 2010

-still another- quote of the day

Dunia dalam genggamanku, apa artinya kalau kamu tidak di sana?

Hand A Book!

"Yes, I gave a hand by giving a book and it feels so GOOD!"

Ya, dari judulnya udah ketauan banget kalau itu kegiatan yang berkutat soal sumbang-menyumbang buku. Berbeda dengan acara sumbang-menyumbang buku lainnya yang ditujukan untuk teman-teman yang kurang mampu, kegiatan yang bernama "Hand A Book" ini berawal dari "kelangkaan" beberapa buku bagus yang sudah sulit ditemukan baik di perpustakaan maupun di toko-toko buku.
"Hand A Book" merupakan sebuah proyek sosial mahasiswa Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi UGM yang berangkat dari temuan menarik bahwa saat ini banyak para mahasiswa tingkat akhir yang "kelebihan" buku sementara para mahasiswa baru banyak yang kesulitan mencari buku-buku perkuliahan yang disarankan oleh dosen. Selain itu, dari riset kecil-kecilan yang telah dilakukan ditemukan fakta psikologis bahwa ternyata para mahasiswa memiliki rasa empati yang tinggi untuk menolong sesama namun mereka dihadapkan pada keterbatasan-keterbatasan tertentu seperti waktu dan keleluasaan ekonomi. Oleh karena itu, maka "Hand A Book" berupaya untuk mengakomodir dan menjembatani kedua hal tersebut melalui program donasi buku-buku perkuliahan di bidang studi Ilmu Komunikasi untuk kemudian disalurkan kepada teman-teman mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi UGM yang memerlukan buku tersebut.

Untuk berpartisipasi dalam program
"Hand A Book" ini sendiri prosedurnya sangat mudah. Teman-teman dapat langsung menghubungi "Hand A Book" melalui mention di account Twitter @handabook, Facebook "Hand A Book", maupun secara langsung menghubungi admin di nomor (082138287013). Dalam program ini, teman-teman dapat mendonasikan minimal tiga buku yang berkaitan dengan Ilmu Komunikasi untuk kemudian ditukarkan dengan sebuah T-Shirt secara gratis bertuliskan, "Yes, I gave a hand by giving a book". Buku-buku yang didonasikan kemudian akan ditempeli stiker untuk kemudian dituliskan nama dan angkatan pemilik buku sebelumnya serta kesan pribadinya tentang buku tersebut.
Sementara itu, bagi teman-teman yang ingin memperoleh buku dari program "Hand A Book" dapat mengakses data base pengarsipan buku-buku yang tersedia di website "Hand A Book" melalui situs http://www.handabook.co.cc/ . Sejauh ini telah tersedia 51 buah buku di bidang Ilmu Komunikasi terutama yang berkaitan dengan Ilmu Komunikasi, Ilmu Politik, Ilmu Sosial dan Politik, Media, Metode Penelitian, Teori, dan masih banyak lagi.

Dengan adanya program
"Hand A Book" tidak hanya sekedar beramal dengan mendonasikan buku serta memperoleh buku-buku yang dibutuhkan. Lebih dari itu, program "Hand A Book" ini mampu menunjukkan sense of belonging yang erat di antara sesama mahasiswa Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi UGM dari berbagai angkatan. Melalui program ini, kedekatan emosional yang selama ini didengung-dengungkan terbukti melalui kepedulian untuk membantu dan mendukung sesama civitas akademika dalam bentuk sharing ilmu lewat buku-buku perkuliahan.