Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Little Angel of The Last November

This November 30th probably would be the good day of me and the whole family. Today, a newborn baby sees the world and she does sooo beautiful. Actually, it's my cousin who give-birth the baby girl. I know they'd been waiting for a long time to see the baby. And today, she comes to see the beautiful world.
I am so excited as I did to my nephews, Abid and Iko. Those boys now are having a cousin and honestly I dont know what would they do to this girl hehehe. Since there was no little girl in the house, I dont know would it be a pinch or bite or maybe they would be nice to their sister.
Since I was having only two nephews, its kind a hard for me to stop dreaming about buying beautiful dress for my niece. And my sister makes it real! I already having a niece now. Means, I can buy a lot of little dress and design it by my self.
Anyway, her name is Khansa. Here I upload the newborn baby girl's pict that I took from hospital some hours after she sees the world! :)

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